Location Halloween Town
Currently open!!! - It's a Special Event Town made by the GM's of UODemise for the season of Halloween!Please use the current year page for all up to date data!
For the year 2023, it was open during the 21 October 2023 to 4 November 2023.
For the year 2022, it was open during the 21 October 2022 to 6 November 2022.
For the year 2021, it was open during the 16 October 2021 to 2 November 2021.
For the year 2020, it was open during the 16 October 2020 to 1 November 2020.
For the year 2019, it was open during the 18 October 2019 to 3 November 2019.
For the year 2018, it was open during the 19 October 2018 to 4 November 2018.
For the year 2017, it was open during the 21 October 2017 to 5 November 2017.
For the year 2016, it was open during the 23 October 2016 to 6 November 2016.
For the year 2015, it was open during the 18 October 2015 to 2 November 2015.
For the year 2014, it was open during the 19 October 2014 to 2 November 2014.
The information you see below are from 2016, 2015 and 2014! More info will be added as soon as I collect more!
All Loots Items that is written it's either received by me (Spok), Will or Pumpkin as well as shared by other Players! Some Boss do not have alot Items because we didn't get any item or no one share with me what they get!
Feel free to contact me by Email at: " admin@spokland.com " for any Informations, Screenshots, Loots, Items, Tips, Secrets you know! Let's make every UODemise Players informed about the Halloween Town!

Main Area
#1 = Moongate#2 = NPC Town
#3 = Church
#4 = Orc Camp
#5 = Rock Pyramid
#6 = Sewer
#7 = Under Water Palace
#8 = Crypt
#9 = Solen
B1 = A Pumpkin Lord (Main Area)
B2 = A Customed Orc Champion (Orc Camp)
B3 = Peinsluth (Rock Pyramid)
GL = Yellow (North East Corner)
GL = Red (Rock Pyramid)
#1 = Exit to Main Area#2 = Entry to Basement of Desert
#3 = NPC Healer & Vet
Basement of Desert
#1 = Exit to Desert#2 = Entry to Special Champion Spawn
#3 = Coffin
#4 = Gravestone (In Memory Of You)
B13 = Araneam
GL = Blue
Special Champion Spawn
#1 = Exit to Basement of DesertSewer
Exit = Exit to Main Area#1 = #1
#2 = #2
#3 = #3
#4 = #4
#5 = #5
#6 = #6
#7 = #7
#8 = #8
#9 = #9
#10 = #10
Hole Path = #3 + #4
Lever Path = #3 + #4 + #5
Stone Path = From Lever Path + #6
B4 = A Noxious Gas Cloud
B5 = A Steaming Heap
Exit = Exit to Main AreaUnder Water Palace
Exit = Exit to Main AreaBoard = Need to be Death to cross the Board
Wheel = Need to have Net of Britomartis to use the Wheel
#1 = #1
B12 = Britomartis (Ghost Ship)
GL = White
Exit = Exit to Main AreaLever = Open the Door
#1 = #1
#2 = #2
#3 = Pair of Lever for Door
#4 = Pair of Lever for Door
B6 = Jack the Ripper
B7 = Uncle Fester
B8 = Franquistang
B9 = The Guardian
B10 = Clawser
B11 = Clawser Jr
GL = Green
Halloween Town Boss
Each Boss give different Items when killing them! Those Items are mostly Special House Decoration (rare), ML Arty, LToT, Special Hair or Bread Dye, Free Hair Coupon, A Flower Tapestry Deed Facing South, 15k Check, PS 110 or 115 and Golds Rain (like Champion Spawn Boss).- Flea (Main Area) [Not Present in 2015]
- A Pumpkin Lord (Main Area)
- A Customed Orc Champion (Orc Camp)
- Peinsluth (Rock Pyramid)
- A Noxious Gas Cloud (Sewer)
- A Steaming Heap (Sewer)
- Jack the Ripper (Crypt > Left Side > After Jail)
- Uncle Fester (Crypt > Secret Big Room)
- Franquistang (Crypt > Secret Big Room)
- The Guardian (Crypt > Right Room)
- Clawser & Clawser Jr (Crypt > Right Room > North Room > North)
- Britomartis (Under Water Palace > Ghost Ship)
- Araneam (Church > Desert > Basement)
- Special Champion Spawn (Church > Right > Take Down Stairs > Take Up Stairs)
- The Grim Reaper (Special Halloween Town Peerless)
- Wraith High Priest (Main Area)
Halloween Town Area
Each Area give different Items when killing monsters!- Main Area - Crystallized Essence, Sleeping hamster and 11th Anniversary Horses
- NPC Town
- Church
- Orc Camp
- Rock Pyramid
- Sewer - Talisman Of The Fey (Cu Sidhe Form), Halloween Pumpkin, A Section Of An Obsidian Statue and Baked Pumpkin Pie
- Under Water Palace - Haunted Mirror, A Section Of An Obsidian Statue and Message in a Bottle
- Crypt - Talisman (random), Halloween Pumpkin and A Section Of An Obsidian Statue
- Clawser Lair - Iron Maiden and Eggs
- Desert - Vampire Bat, Halloween Pumpkin, A Section Of An Obsidian Statue, Baked Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin and Talisman (random)
- Basement of Desert - Coffin, A Section Of An Obsidian Statue and Halloween Pumpkin
- Solen - Green Thorns and Mongbat Dartboard

Not Present!!
- Ltot (random)
- Crystallized Essence (in corpse)
- Gold Rain
A Pumpkin Lord

- Black Rock Pillar Runed
- Spiked Post
- Gold Rain
- ML (random)
- Blessed Statue
- Gold Rain
A Customed Orc Champion

- LToT (random)
- Skull Totem
- Globe of Sosaria
- Gold Rain
- Ltot (random)
- Ossian Grimoire
- Gold Rain

- LTot (random)
- Gold Rain
- LToT (random)
- PS 110, 115 (random)
- Clothing Bless Deed
- A Flower Tapestry Deed Facing South
- Special Hair Dye
- Check 15k
- Crystallized Essence (in the corpse)
- Gold Rain
- Coming Soon...!!
- PS
- 20 Translocation Powder
- Powder of Fortifiying
- Polar Bear Rug
- Hair Restyle Deed
- Crystallized Essence (in corpse)
- Gold Rain
Jack the Ripper

- LToT (random)
- PS 115 (random)
- A Flower Tapestry Deed Facing South
- Polar Bear Rug
- Check 15k
- Gold Rain
- Coming Soon...!!
- Ltot (random)
- Check
- Powder of Fortifiying
- Polar Bear Rug
- Special Hair Dye
- Gold Rain
- Shadow Obsidian Pillar Tall
- Gold Rain
Uncle Fester
- Spiked Pole Deed
- Gold Rain
The Guardian

- 15k PS
- A Crystal Ball Of Pet Summoning
- 20 Translation Powder
- Powder of Fortifying
- ML Arty (random)
- Tokuno Arty (random)
- Free Hair Restyling Coupon
- Coming Soon...!!
- Ltot (random)
- Clothing Bless Deed
- PS
- Special Hair Dye
- Gold Rain

- Gargula Pillar
- Obsidian Pillar
- ML Arty (random)
- Carved Wooden Screen
- Gold Rain
Clawser Jr

- Obsidian Pillar
- Fire Demon Statue
- Surveyor's Scope
A Noxious Gas Cloud

- Swamp Tile
- Lava Tile
- Curtains Deed
- Origami Paper
- Coming Soon...!!
A Steaming Heap

- LToT (random)
- GToT (random)
- ML Arty (random)
- A Jester Mask Painted by Ryan
- A Demon Mask Painted by ??
- Special Beard Dye
- 16th Anniversary Silver Serving Tray
- Crystallized Essence (in the corpse)
- Gold Rain
- Pillow
- Gold Rain

- Shadow Banner
- Shadow Fire Pit
- Hanging Axes
- Gold Rain
- ??

- Black Rock Deed (Short Obsidian Rock)
- LToT (random)
- Gold Rain
- ??
Wraith High Priest

- Gold Rain
Special Champion Spawn
Level 1 = a Giant Rat, a Headless OneLevel 2 = a Hell Hound, a Wailing Banshee
Level 3 = a Daemon, a Centaur (Black)
Level 4 = a Skeletal Steed, a Killer Pumpkin
Champion Boss = Headless Horseman

- Staff Members Heads
- Candy
- Shadow Banner
- Broken Vanity
- Broken Chest of Drawers
- PS 110 (random)
The Church is located on the North East of NPC Town. You can find several monsters in the graveyard and at the basement. There's a passage to enter the Desert!
Going to Desert
Inside the Church you will find a Door, but she is lock! In order the unlock it temporary, Double Left Click on the Switch 2 tiles East just beside the wall candle!
When you have Double Left Click on the Switch you will see a system message: "You hear a click behind the wall." and the Door will be Unlock temporary. Double Left Click on the Door to pass through!
At the basement on the North West corner room, there's 2 Lever on the floor! 1 of them can Open a Passage Temporary for the Desert, Double Left Click on the Lever at the East.

When you have Double Left Click on the Lever you will see a system message: "You hear a grinding noise echoing in the distance." and the Passage will start to Open temporary! Double Left Click on the Passage to pass through!

When you have Double Left Click on the Passage you will be in the Desert!
Monsters in the Church:
- a Giant Spider
- a Giant Rat
- a Snake
Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Halloween Pumpkin
- Coming Soon...!!
Orc Camp
The Orc Camp is located in the Main Area, East of the Moongate. 1x Halloween Boss: A Customed Orc Champion!
Monsters in the Orc Camp:
- a orc brute
- a orc scout
- a orcish lord
- a orc bomber
- a raging grizzly bear
Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Crystallized Essence
- Coming Soon...!!
Rock Pyramid
The Rock Pyramid is located in the Main Area, South East of the Moongate. 1x Halloween Boss: Peinsluth!
There's 4 floors in the Rock Pyramid and it's like a little maze! In order to access to 1x Halloween Boss: Peinsluth, from the entry of the Rock Pyramid take the East Side path!

When you reach the room of the Ghost in a Limbo (Red) on the North West wall there's a Secret Door! To open it stand close to the Secret Door!

When you pass the Secret Door, continue to walk until you reach the Wooden Stairs for the 2nd floors and then right away reach the 2nd Wooden Stairs for the 3td floors and then you gonna see a Moongate that give the access to the Peinsluth Room!

Monsters in the Rock Pyramid:
- Ancient Lich
- an acid elemental
- a minotaur
Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Crystallized Essence
- Coming Soon...!!
The Sewer is located in the Main Area, South West of the Moongate in the NPC Town.To enter the Sewer, you have to go inside the House (toilet) and Double Left Click on the A Suspicious Looking Crack:

A Hole That Seems To Be Emitting A Noxious Gas
This hole give the access to 1x Halloween Boss: A Noxious Gas Cloud. To enter the room, we need to Double Left Click on the A Hole That Seems To Be Emitting A Noxious Gas located on the far West!
Walk on the Rock to Jump over the black hole.

There's the room of the A Noxious Gas Cloud!

An Old Rusty Switch
This switch give the access to 1x Halloween Boss: A Steaming Heap with several monsters. To enter the room, we need to Double Left Click on the An Old Rusty Switch located on the middle of the sewer!
When we Double Left Click on the An Old Rusty Switch, it give the system message "You hear a grinding noise echoing in the distance." and a stone will start to raise to make a passage! Located on the North West sewer passage.

After several minute, the stone will start lowering to cancel the passage!

Walk on the South to find stairs for another room!

In this room, we can find an Ankh, a passage and a exit! To exit the room Double Left Click on the A Hole!

To use the passage walk on 1 of the 2 tiles!

There's the room of the A Steaming Heap!

Monsters in the Sewer:
- a Slime
- a Sewer Rat
- a Sewer Croc
- a Tremor
- a Sparkling Bullfrog
- a Horned Bullfrog
Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Talisman Of The Fey (Cu Sidhe Form)
- Halloween Pumpkin
- A Section Of An Obsidian Statue
- Baked Pumpkin Pie
- Coming Soon...!!
Under Water Palace
The Under Water Palace is located North East of Moongate. Inside the Under Water Palace there's several monsters to kill and 1 Halloween Boss! In order to enter the Under Water Palace, you have to Double Left Click on Rock multiple time! Here's the list of all Rocks you gonna have to click:Path for 2016:
- South
- East
- South
- West
- North
- East
UOSteam Macro 2016:
Path for 2015:
- West
- South
- White
- West
- South
- South
- North
- South
- South
UOSteam Macro 2015:
Starting location to click 1st Rock (2016):

Starting location to click 1st Rock (2015):

When we have Double Left Click on each Rocks, we can walk on the Sparkles to enter the Under Water Palace!

To Exit the Under Water Palace, walk on the Sparkles on the Top Stairs!
- image of "Exit from the Middle" -
There's another Exit on the North Wall, walk on the Top of the Stone Stairs!

Ghost Ship
The Ghost Ship is a special ship that give the access to 1 Halloween Boss: Britomartis! In order to have the access you have to kill "a Killer Dolphin" to receive a "Net of Britomartis"!- image of "a Killer Dolphin" -
- image of "Net of Britomartis" -
When we receive the the Net of Britomartis, we only have 1 hour to use it! With the Net of Britomartis we can enter the Ghost Ship but in order to walk the ship board we have to be Dead!

When we cross the ship board while in Dead Form and having the Net of Britomartis inside our Character Backpack, we can Double Left Click on the Ghost Ship Wheel to enter the secret room!

In this room you can go out of the ship and walk West to exit this location or East to enter the Britomartis Room!

At the Britomartis Room we can reach the middle room for a Bank!

And go to the South Door to Resurrect our self!

East Room is where the Britomartis spawn! North is the Exit!

Monsters in the Under Water Palace:
- a Sea Serpent
- a Deep Sea Serpent
- a Kraken
- a Shimmering Bullfrog
- a Snake
- a Glowing Bullfrog
- a Killer Dolphin
- A Ghostly Sailor
- A Ghostly Pirate
Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Haunted Mirror
- a Section Of An Obsidian Statue
- Message in a Bottle
- Coming Soon...!!
The Crypt is located on the North East of Moongate. You can find the "A Summoning Altar" on the West Wall, 2 Ancient Lich and the entry to the Crypt on the Middle of the room! Inside the Crypt there's several monsters to kill and 6 Halloween Boss!
To enter in the Crypt walk on the Sparkle!

Monsters in the Crypt:
- a Lich
- a Lich Lord
- a Skeleton Knight
- a
- a
- a Horned Bullfrog
Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Halloween Pumpkin
- A Section Of An Obsidian Statue
- Coming Soon...!!
Secret Big Room
At the Secret Big Room there's 2 Halloween Boss: Franquistang and Uncle Fester with several monsters! To enter the Secret Big Room, we need to raise a Secret Wall with a Lever! The Lever is located at the 1st South Corridor and East in the room! The Lever is surrounded with Lava Fire Tiles that do damage when walking on them! Double Left Click on the Lever and go to the Secret Wall to enter the Secret Big Room!
The Secret Wall is located at the 1st West Wall on the middle!

To leave the Secret Big Room, walk on the Black Moongate:

At the Prison there's 1 Halloween Boos: Jack the Ripper with several monsters! To find him, from the entry of the Crypt walk to the 1st South Corridor and at the end of the West Corridor!
Monsters in the Crypt:
Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Halloween Pumpkins
- Talisman (random)
Up Stairs Room - The Guardian Lair
At the Up Stairs Room there's 1 Halloween Boss: The Guardian with several monsters! To enter the Up Stairs Room, from the entry of the Crypt walk to the 1st North Corridor, walk to the end of East Corridor and raise the Stairs.
Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Mounted Pixies
North End Room - Clawser & Clawser Jr Lair
At the North End Room there's 2 Halloween Boss: Clawser and Clawser Jr with several monsters! To enter the North End Room, from the entry of the Up Stairs Room walk to the far North and step on one of the Sparkle!
To fight those 2 Halloween Boss, we need to Double Left Click on the 1st pair of Lever to raise the 1st Secret Wall, after we Double Left Click on the 2nd pair of Lever to raise the 2nd Secret Wall and then walk to the White Tile to be teleport inside the Big Room!

Monsters in the Desert:
- a scared bluebird
- a crane
- a rooster
Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Guillotine
- Iron Maiden
- Eggs
- Origami Paper
- Coming Soon...!!
Monsters in the Desert:
- a Dread Spider
- a Giant Spider
- a Giant Black Widow
- a Terathan Avanger
- a Terathan Matriarch
- a Terathan Warrior
- a Terathan Drone
- a Giant Serpent
- a Giant Rat
- a Bogle
- a Skeleton Mage
- a Bone Mage
- a Mummy
- a Rotting Corpse
- a Ghoul
- a Shade
- a Snake
- a Greater Mongbat
- a Zombie
- a Lich Lord
- Ancient Lich
Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Vampire Bat
- Halloween Pumpkin
- A Section Of An Obsidian Statue
- Baked Pumpkin Pie
- Pumpkin
- Talisman (random)
- Coming Soon...!!
Basement of Desert
At this place you can find the Halloween Boss "-?-Giant Spider-?-" and A Ghost in Limbo (Blue) and Up Stairs for the Champion Spawn Area.It's Located at the far far North East side you will find several Stairs!

Magic Tiles Passage

Walk on the Magic Tiles Red Encircle to progress in the room!
Halloween Boss "-?-Giant Spider-?-" Room


Double Left Click on the Coffin (open) to pass through the wall!
Monsters in the Basement of Desert:
- a Dread Spider (Black)
- a Giant Spider (Black) [2 version]
Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Coffin
- A Section Of An Obsidian Statue
- Halloween Pumpkin
- Coming Soon...!!
The Solen is located in the Main Area, South of the Moongate.To enter the Solen, you have to Double Left Click on the Black Hole:

Monsters in the Solen:

Item by killing monsters in that area:
- Mongbat Dartboard
- Green Thorns
- A Section Of An Obsidian Statue
By using a Green Thorns of Desert Tile Floor, it will open the access to the Hidden Tunnel for the Solen Queen and she can give the Poison Sac!
A Section Of An Obsidian Statue
By collecting 10x A Section Of An Obsidian Statue, you can combine them to obtain a Cat Statuette!By reading the book on table at witch Helga.
States magical properties are their strongest under a full moon.
So combine your pieces at night or under a full moon in HTown for a chance at the black cat statuette. Outside of HTown you will just get a normal bust. Also there is a chance for it to fail in HTown and you will also just get a normal bust. Not sure if night time or full moon gives it 100% chance for the cat.
Quest - A Mortician's Request
This Quest - A Mortician's Request allow to obtain a Halloween Costume mask (random creature costume). It's a mask that you put on your Character Hand to transform you Character Body into the Creature Type from the Halloween Costume!In order to start the Quest in the Main Halloween Town Area Go to the Top North inside the Church.
Double Left Click on the NPC Ophelia the Mortician to open the Quest Gump Menu - A Mortician's Request and Single Left Click on Accept.
Dear traveller, welcome. Please stay a while. The dead are not going anywhere...
Nay? Perhaps I can interest thee in a matter of employment?
I require a certain ingredient for my alchemical studies. I would be willing to trade for my latest discovery, an item effecting stable polymorphy. What dost thou say?
Obtain 5 Crystallized Essence
Halloween Costume (random creature costume)
What To Do:
Ophelia request to obtain 5x Crystallized Essence, you can collect them by killing any animals/monsters in the main area or some bosses.
Crystallized Essence can be collected by killing any Monster/Animal in the Main Area of Halloween Town! Drop directly into your Character Backpack!
List of Costume:
- Skeleton
- Gazer
- Bloodworm
- Shadow Wyrm
- Dream Wraith
- Centaur
- Cyclops
- Drake
- Ethereal Warrior
- Exodus Minion
- Fire Elemental
- Giant Pixie
- Giant Toad
- Gore Fiend
- Lady of the Snow
- Maddening Horror
- Minotaur
- Mongbat
- Oni
- Ophidian Matriarch
- Ophidian Warrior
- Pixie
- Satyr
- Skittering Hopper
- Solen Warrior
- Terathan Warrior
- Titan
- Void Wanderer
- Wisp
- Wolf Spider
- Zombie
- Bloody Sash - Werewolf Form
* Bold mean I see them in UODemise by myself of on other Players.
Quest - A Collection of Souls
This Quest - A Collection of Souls allow to collect the Key Mass of Souls to fight the Special Peerless The Grim Reaper!In order to start the Quest in the Main Halloween Town Area Go to the Top North East Corner (after the Church) at the Gypsy Caravan.
Double Left Click on the NPC Farley the Mad Gypsy Mage to open the Quest Gump Menu - A Collection of Souls and Single Left Click on Accept.
Are you interested in the work of dark arts? Yes, yes... you are, I can tell! No one comes to a place like this if they're not!
What say you we peform ourselves a little summoning ritual? Twill be fun, yes indeed! We should start with the most basic ingredient, the souls of those in limbo.
Obtain 1 soul stricken with anger
Obtain 1 soul stricken with grief
Obtain 1 soul stricken with guilt
Obtain 1 soul stricken with hatred
Obtain 1 soul stricken with shame
A Wretched Mass of Souls
What To Do:
Farley request to obtain 5x soul stricken, so you have to find and kill 5 different Limbo.
Kill & Collect Souls:
Soul Stricken With Anger:

Found in the basement of the Rock Pyramid and Kill A Ghost in Limbo (Red).

Can use Magery Spell = Fireball & FlameStrike
Soul Stricken With Grief:

Found in the Under Water Palace after the bridge of Rope at the West and Kill A Ghost in Limbo (White).

Can use Physical Attack
Soul Stricken With Guilt:

Found in the basement of the Desert, cross the magic tiles and Double Left Click on the open Coffin and Kill A Ghost in Limbo (Blue).

Can use Magery Spell = Harm & Mindblast
Soul Stricken With Hatred:

Found in the North East corner of the Main Area and Kill A Ghost in Limbo (Yellow).

Can use Magery Spell = Lightning & Energy Bolt
Soul Stricken With Shame:

Found in the Crypt at the South room and Kill A Ghost in Limbo (Green).

Can use Necromancy Spell = Poison Strike
When you find all the 5x soul stricken:

How to exchange A Wretched Mass of Soul for Blessed
When you have collected all the 5 Soul Stricken Keys and exchange it to A Wretched Mass of Soul, you can go exchange for the Blessed key at A Summoning Altar:
When you gonna place A Wretched Mass of Soul into A Summoning Altar, you will receive 3x the


Note: Sometime you cannot Drop your Keys because there's already another Character(s) who's fighting The Grim Reaper. In this case, you will have to wait until the Character(s) is out of the The Grim Reaper room!

Seed Quest
Reward: Black, White or Blaze Orange Peculiar Seed, Rarely a Beehive.Sin Dungeon - Saturday 24 & 31 October 2015
The Sin Dungeon is a Special Dungeon that can only be accessed by the GM of UODemise with 1 of the Token! There's only 7 Tokens available for the Sin Dungeon on the Saturday when the GM Post on the Forum! They can be obtained by killing any Monsters in their Death Corpse (loot).
(Spok) I was lucky to find the Token (fire color) on the 31 October 2015, but didn't have the time to create my party of 4 characters and participate to the event =[
When you find a Token, you have to create a Party of 4 Characters and then Page in-game a GM (Selena) to access the Sin Dungeon!
When the GM (Selena) come at you and your 3 other Party Characters, you will all be teleported inside the Sin Dungeon!
Make sure all your Items/Gears are Insured because you will not be able to loot yourself or being resurrect inside the Sin Dungeon! When you die you are instantly teleported outside of the Sin Dungeon and disqualified!
Trick or Treat
When active, any Character can go see any Yellow NPC (except Quest Giver) around the world and say to them "trick or treat" and then target the NPC. You can receive Candy or the vendor can decide to play a trick on you! Having 100 in the Skill Begging can give you a chance to receive uncommon items!Trick or Treat Items 2015 | ||
Candy Corn![]() |
Caramel Apple (Brown)![]() |
Caramel Apple (Red)![]() |
Jellybeans![]() |
Licorice (Black)![]() |
Licorice (Red)![]() |
Cherry Lollipop![]() |
Lime Lollipop![]() |
Orange Lollipop![]() |
Nougat Swirl![]() |
Rock Candy (Blue)![]() |
Rock Candy (Dark Blue)![]() |
Rock Candy (Dark Green)![]() |
Rock Candy (Dark Purple)![]() |
Rock Candy (Green)![]() |
Rock Candy (Light Blue)![]() |
Rock Candy (Light Green)![]() |
Rock Candy (Light Green)![]() |
Rock Candy (Light Purple)![]() |
Rock Candy (Orange)![]() |
Rock Candy (Pink)![]() |
Rock Candy (Purple)![]() |
Rock Candy (Red)![]() |
Rock Candy (Yellow)![]() |
Taffy![]() |
Wrapped Candy![]() |
100 Begging Trick or Treat Special Items 2015 | ||
A Giant Pumpkin Muffin![]() |
Creepy Cake![]() |
Grim Warning![]() |
Mr. Plain's Cookies![]() |
Murky Milk![]() ![]() |
Pixie Stick![]() |
Pumpkin Pizza![]() |
Ruined Tapestry![]() ![]() |
Skulls on Pike![]() |
Small Web (Black)![]() ![]() |
Small Web (Orange)![]() ![]() |
Other to confirm: (didn't get them yet)
- Others ??? unknown
List of Trick:
- Bleeding: Bleed blood around your Character for 10 seconds.
- Solid Hue Color: Change your Character Skin Color randomly for 10 seconds.
- Make Evil Twin: Copy of your Character into the world for 5 seconds and the can either Recall your Character to any Public Moongate or Steal some of your Candies.
How it work:
- Say "Trick or Treat" (without double quote).
- Target any Yellow NPC (except Quest Giver).
- Receive a Treat or Trick!
Corpses of Fallen Players
When active, any Character Player who die will spawn a Zombie Skeleton in either Trammel or Felucca Graveyards! Those Zombie Skeleton can drop as reward a Corpse Container (with the name of the fallen player, can have Lord/Lady titles) and can have 3 special color! Only 1 Zombie Skeleton par Character Player Name can be spawned at a time!Trammel and Felucca Graveyards:
- Britain
- Cove
- City of the Dead (T2A)
- Fire Dungeon
- Jhelom
- Moonglow
- Vesper
- Yew
How it work:
- Any Character Player who die will re-animate as Zombie Skeleton in any Graveyards.
- Search in any Graveyards.
- Kill those Zombie Skeleton.
- Check in the dead Corpse of Zombie Skeleton for a Corpse Container.
Pumpking Patches
How it work:- Go to any Farm
- Take Pumpking from the ground
- Wait for Pumpking to respawn
If you see a Carved Pumpking (Evil Face or Funny Face) and you move it from the ground. You have a chance to spawn Grim (he can give uncommon items)