Character Basic Speak

In Ultima Online we are into a virtual open world. Speaking/Chating is a common sense in the world!

To start talking/chating with other Character as well as some NPC is by simply typing any characters in the game interface. You can have up to 89 Letters/Numbers/Symbols for each Sentence. When you are done you will Press the "Enter" key to launch the Sentence to any nearby Character(s).

You can use the Yell system by typing an exclamation point "!" and followed by a space, you will see: "Yell: " and then you can write your Sentence. This Sentence will be heard from a greater distance.

Party Chating

Character can create they own Party.
If you are in a Party, you can use the Party Chating System by typing:
/ = Will Start the Party Chating System, in the game interface you will see: "Party: " and then you can write your Sentence. Press the "Enter" key to launch the Sentence to Party Member(s).
/add = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click any Character it will ask to Join or Decline the offer of being into the Party.
/accept = Will Accepte the offer to Join a Party.
/decline = Will Decline the offer to Join a Party.
/quit = Will Quit the current Party.

Guild Chating

Character can create they own Guild.
If you are in a Guild, you can use the Guild Chating System by typing:
\ = Will Start the Guild Chating System, in the game interface you will see: "Guild: " and then you can write your Sentence. Press the "Enter" key to launch the Sentence to Guild Member(s).

Alliance Chating

If you are in a Guild, and your Guild have done Alliance with an other Guild, you can use the Alliance Chating System by typing:
| = Will Start the Guild Chating System, in the game interface you will see: "Alliance: " and then you can write your Sentence. Press the "Enter" key to launch the Sentence to Guild and Alliance Member(s).

NPC Commands

By visiting any NPC Banker you can say:
- Bank = Will Open your Personal Bank Box
- Balance = Will Tell you your amount of Gold in your Bank Box (not calculating Check)
- Check ## = Will Create a Bank Check with x amount into your Bank Box (between 5k to 1kk)
- Withdraw ## = Will Take the x amount of Gold into your Bank Box

- Stable / Stall = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click on your pet it will go to Stable.
- Retrieve / Claim = Will Get out your pet(s) from stable.
- Claim List = Will show up a list of All your Pet(s) your Character has stabled, you can select one to get out of Stable.
- Stablecount = Will Tell you how many Stable Slots are used.

Vendor (Shop)
- (Name) = Will Make the NPC Face you as long as you don't move or an other Character say he's name.
- (Name) Buy = Will Open the Inventory of the Vendor.
- (Name) Sell = Will Open the Inventory of Item you Own on your Backpack that the Vendor can buy from you.
- (Name) Train = Will Tell you the list of available Skills that can be Train for you or maybe none because you know too much.
- (Name) Train (Skill) = Will Tell you how much Gold it cost to Train the specified Skill you ask or it will tell you it cannot Train you more than you have. Drag and Drop the amount of Gold asked on the NPC.
- (Name) Move = Will Make the NPC to move 1 tile away from you.
- (Name) Time = Will Make the NPC tell you the current time.

- (Name) Join = Will Tell you the amount of Gold it require to join them. Drag and Drop the amount of Gold asked on the NPC.
- (Name) Quit = Will Remove you from the NPC Guild, however you have to be in the guild for at least 1 week.

- News = Will Tell you if there's any News to be know.

Ferry - At Skara Brae
- I would like to cross = Will Make you able to cross the water to the other side.

Player Commands

- I wish to lock this down = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click an Item you will be Lock Down in your house. Only the Owner and Co-Owners can use this command.
- I wish to release this = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click an Item you will Remove the Lock Down or Secure Status on the Item. Only the Owner and Co-Owners can use this command.
- I wish to secure this = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click an Container you will be Lock Down and a Secure Menu will Open, you will Choose an Access level: Owner Only, Co-Owners or Friends. The Container will be Lock Down and all Items in it too, but they will be able to Drag and Drop. Only the Owner and Co-Owners can use this command.
- I wish to unsecure this = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click an Container will Remove the Lock Down or Secure Status on the Container. Only the Owner and Co-Owners can use this command.
- I wish to place a trash barrel = Will Place a Trash Barrel at the Current Position you are in your house. Owner, Co-Owners and Friends can put trash into the Trash Barrel. After 3 Minutes the trash will be deleted. Only the Owner and Co-Owners can use this command. - I ban thee = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click a Character you will Ban and Eject him/her from entering your house. The Character will be no longer able to Enter your House. Only the Owner, Co-Owners and Friends can use this command.
- Remove thyself = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click a Character you will Eject him/her from your house under the House Sign. Only the Owner, Co-Owners and Friends can use this command.

- All Follow Me / (Name) Follow Me = Will Make the Pet(s) to follow you.
- All Guard / (Name) Guard = Will Make the Pet(s) to guard you. If anything attack you, your Pet(s) will start Attack.
- All Kill / (Name) Kill / All Attack / (Name) Attack = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click a Mobile your Pet(s) will start Attack.
- All Stay / (Name) Stay = Will Make the Pet(s) to stop and Stay at current location.
- All Come / (Name) Come = Will Make the Pet(s) to come at your Location.
- All Stop / (Name) Stop = Will Make the Pet(s) to cancel any current orders, follow, guard, kill, stay.
- (Name) Drop = Will Make the Pet Drop all items from he's backpack.
- (Name) Follow = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click a Mobile your Pet will Follow it.
- (Name) Release = Will bring up a Menu to Release the Pet.
- (Name) Transfer = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click an other Character a Trade Menu will open to Transfer Ownership.
- (Name) Friend = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click an other Character the Pet will have another owner. The other Character will be able to give order: All Follow Me, All Follow, All Stay, All Stop.

Murder Status
- I must consider my sins = Will Show you your Short and Long Term Murder Count.

Young Status
- I renounce my young player status = Only used when you have the Young Character Status, you will no longer be a Young Character anymore.

- Raise Anchor = Will Raise the Anchor from Water, will make the Boat able to Navigate.
- Drop Anchor = Will Drop the Anchor into Water, will make the Boat not able to Navigate.
- (Direction*) = Will Navigate the Boat in the Direction you ask.
- Forward / Unfurl Sail = Will Navigate the Boat in Forward Direction.
- Left / Drift Left = Will Navigate the Boat in Left Direction.
- Right / Drift Right = Will Navigate the Boat in Right Direction.
- Stop / Furl Sail = Will Stop the Boat Navigation.
- One (Direction*) / (Direction*) One = Will Navigate the Boat 1 Tile in the Direction you ask.
- Port / Turn Left = Will Turn the Boat in the Left Direction.
- Turn Right / Starboard = Will Turn the Boat in the Right Direction.
- Turn Around / Come About = Will Turn the Boat in Opposite Direction you are, if the Boat face North it will face South.
- Slow (Direction*) = Will Move the Boat Slowly in the Direction you ask.
*Direction = Forward Left, Forward Right, Backward Left, Backward Right, Back Left, Back Right, Backward, Backward, Back.

- I resign from my guild = Will Remove you from the current Guild you are in. There's no warning menu.

- Recdu = Will make you able to travel into the Altar Teleporter from the North Mage Shop in Moonglow to the Mage Shop in Papua.
- Recsu = Will make you able to travel into the Pentagram Teleporter from the Mage Shop in Papua to the North Mage Shop in Moonglow.
- Doracron = Will make you able to travel into the Serpent Pillars Teleporter from the sea in Britannia to the see in the Lost Lands.
- Sueacron = Will make you able to travel into the Serpent Pillars Teleporter from the sea in Lost Lands to the see in the Britannia.

Shrine of Spirituality
- OM OM OM = Will make you able to travel into the Teleporter from the top end Stairs of the Shrine of Spirituality to the Ankh platform.

Vendor (Player)
- (Name*) Browse / (Name*) View / (Name*) Look = Will Open the Backpack of the Vendor to show the available Item to be purchased.
- (Name*) Buy . (Name*) Purchase = Will bring up a Targeting Cursor and by Left Single Click an Item and then a Purchase Menu will show up with the Current Item to Purchase with the Asked Amount of Gold, you can choose Okay or Cancel to buy the Item.

- (Name*) Collect / (Name*) Gold / (Name*) Get = Will Make the Vendor to show you the current amount of Gold he's Holding and will ask you to withdraw an amount. The x amount of Gold chosen will be deposit into your Bank Box. Amount over 5k will be into Check Form.
- (Name*) Status / (Name*) Info = Will Open the Vendor Menu.
- (Name*) Dismiss = Will Make the Vendor to terminate the contract of employment he have with you. Warning! Any remaining Item(s) or Gold(s) will be deleted! Make sure you remove all Item(s) and Collect all Gold(s) before using this command!

UODemise Commands

[account = Allows a player to manage their account settings.
[auth = Finalizes an account management request.
[claimdonation = Allows a player to claim their items.
[claimitem = Allows a player to claim their items.
[guildtracking = Allows guild tracking to be turned on and off for your character.
[help = Lists all available commands.
[helpinfo = Gives information on a specified command, or when no argument specified, displays a gump containing all commands.
[serverwars = Used to check when server wars will occur, or if it is currently active.
[time = Returns the server's local time.