Character Veteran Reward
In Ultima Online every Character with there Account can collect Veteran Reward by using Veteran Reward Point. Each Year you get 3 Veteran Reward Point but in UODemise a Year is 90 Days. There's 12 Year of Veteran Reward available. To use those Veteran Reward, your Account need the minimum required Year old. After each 90 Days any Character will get a Skills Cap Reward of 5 Points to a maximum of 20 Points, after 360 Days you will have a Skills Cap of 720.Veteran Reward Stat
- 90 Days = 705 Skills Cap- 180 Days = 710 Skills Cap
- 270 Days = 715 Skills Cap
- 360 Days = 720 Skills Cap
Veteran Reward Categories
Monster StatuesCloaks and Robes
Ethereal Steeds
Special Dye Tubs
House Add Ons
1 Year
Special Dye Tubs = Black Dye Tub, Furniture Dye Tub and Special Dye TubCloaks and Robes = Cloak Bronze +3 Physical Resist, Robe Bronze +3 Physical Resist and Dress Bronze +3 Physical Resist, Cloak Copper +3 Physical Resist, Robe Copper +3 Physical Resist and Dress Copper +3 Physical Resist
Monster Statues = Crocodile, Daemon, Dragon, Earth Elemental, Ettin, Gargoyle, Gorilla, Lich, Lizardman, Ogre, Orc, Ratman, Skeleton and Troll
House Add Ons = Mini Contest Winning House (Malas Mountain Pass) and Mini Contest 2004 Winning House (Church At Night)
Miscellaneous = Red Soulstone and Commodity Deed Box
Require: UODemise Account Old of 90 Days
2 Year
Special Dye Tubs = Leather Dye TubCloaks and Robes = Cloak Agapite +3 Physical Resist, Robe Agapite +3 Physical Resist and Dress Agapite +3 Physical Resist, Cloak Golden +3 Physical Resist, Robe Golden +3 Physical Resist and Dress Golden +3 Physical Resist
House Add Ons = Banner Deed, Flaming Head Deed and Minotaur Statue Deed
Require: UODemise Account Old of 180 Days
3 Year
Cloaks and Robes = Cloak Verite +3 Physical Resist, Robe Verite +3 Physical Resist and Dress Verite +3 Physical Resist, Cloak Valorite +3 Physical Resist, Robe Valorite +3 Physical Resist and Dress Valorite +3 Physical ResistMonster Statues = Cow, Zombie and Llama
Ethereal Steeds = Horse, Ostard and Llama
House Add Ons = Potted Cactus Deed
Require: UODemise Account Old of 270 Days
4 Year
Special Dye Tubs = Runebook Dye TubCloaks and Robes = Cloak Dark Gray +3 Physical Resist, Robe Dark Gray +3 Physical Resist and Dress Dark Gray +3 Physical Resist, Cloak Ice Green +3 Physical Resist, Robe Ice Green +3 Physical Resist and Dress Ice Green +3 Physical Resist, Cloak Ice Blue +3 Physical Resist, Robe Ice Blue +3 Physical Resist and Dress Ice Blue +3 Physical Resist
Monster Statues = Ophidian, Reaper and Mongbat
Ethereal Steeds = Kirin, Unicorn and Ridgeback
House Add Ons = Decorative Shield Deed and Hanging Skeleton Deed
Require: UODemise Account Old of 360 Days
5 Year
Special Dye Tubs = Statuette Dye TubCloaks and Robes = Cloak Jet Black +3 Physical Resist, Robe Jet Black +3 Physical Resist and Dress Jet Black +3 Physical Resist, Cloak Ice White +3 Physical Resist, Robe Ice White +3 Physical Resist and Dress Ice White +3 Physical Resist, Cloak Fire +3 Physical Resist, Robe Fire +3 Physical Resist and Dress Fire +3 Physical Resist
Monster Statues = Gazer, Fire Elemental and Wolf
Ethereal Steeds = Swamp Dragon and Beetle
House Add Ons = Stone Ankh Deed and Bloody Pentagram Deed
Require: UODemise Account Old of 450 Days
6 Year
House Add Ons = Character Statue Maker Bronze, Character Statue Maker Jade, Character Statue Maker Marble and Brazier DeedRequire: UODemise Account Old of 540 Days
7 Year
House Add Ons = Decorative Cannon Deed and Tree Stump Decoration DeedRequire: UODemise Account Old of 630 Days
8 Year
Miscellaneous = Weapon Engraving ToolRequire: UODemise Account Old of 720 Days
9 Year
Ethereal Steeds = Polar BearHouse Add Ons = Wall Banner Deed
Require: UODemise Account Old of 810 Days
10 Year
Cloaks and Robes = Cloak Crimson +3 Physical Resist, Robe Crimson +3 Physical Resist and Dress Crimson +3 Physical Resist, Cloak Pink +3 Physical Resist, Robe Pink +3 Physical Resist and Dress Pink +3 Physical ResistMonster Statues = Harrower and Efreet
Ethereal Steeds = Cu Sidhe
House Add Ons = Mining Cart Decoration Deed and Deed For An Ankh Of Sacrifice
Require: UODemise Account Old of 900 Days
11 Year
Ethereal Steeds = ReptalonMiscellaneous = Retouching Tool
Require: UODemise Account Old of 990 Days
12 Year
Ethereal Steeds = HiryuHouse Add Ons = Chaos-Order Banners
Miscellaneous = House Teleporter
Require: UODemise Account Old of 1180 Days
Veteran Reward Gump Menu
When you are Login on your Account with any of your Character and enter the world with at least 1 Veteran Reward Point, you will see the following Veteran Reward Gump Menu:
By Single Left Click on the OK Button, you will see the following Veteran Reward Menu:

In this Gump Menu, you can see the number of Veteran Reward Point you have and the Total Veteran Reward Points you use so far!
Under those number, you can see the 6 different Veteran Reward Categories to choose a Reward.
Monster Statuettes

+3 Physical Resist Cloaks, Robes and Dresses

Ethereal Steeds

Dye Tubs

house Add-Ons


When you want to get any Veteran Reward, you will see the Configuration Veteran Reward Gump Menu:

By Single Left Click on the OK Button, you will get the Veteran Reward Item and Consume a Veteran Reward Point!