Character Skill Spellweaving

Spellweaving is one of the Skill that any Characters can raise, but there's a condition! A new Character cannot start with Spellweaving! It must be learn by completing a Quest before been able to do Spellweaving!

It's the art of the Elf! Arcane Magic Combat! It encourage multiple Spellweaving Players in order to gain high Arcane Focus! It can perform Strong Hit Area Spells versus his enemies! Heal, Cure, Resurrect, Transform, Summons Creatures and Charms! Fire Spell Damage on Weapon!

Spellweaving require the Spellweaving Spellbook in order to cast a Spell but also it need to have complete a Quest Chains: Discipline or Patience. (Discipline is easier then Patience). After completing 1 of the Spellweaving Quest Chains, it reward the Spellweaving Spellbook with 2 Spellweaving Scroll: Arcane Circle and Gift of Renewal!

Acquire Spellweaving Scroll

Spellweaving Scroll can be obtained in the Corpses Loot of ML Monsters in ML Dungeons!

- Master Jonath
- Master Theophilus
- Master Mikael
- Lady Jennifyr
- Lady Marai
- Red Death

Twisted Weald:
- Changeling
- Cu Sidhe
- Dryads
- Irk
- Guile
- Lady Lissith
- Lady Sabrix
- Spite
- Satyrs

Blighted Grove:
- Abscess
- Changeling
- Coil
- Hydra
- Insane Dryad
- Saliva
- Tangle
- Thrasher

- Miasma
- Pyre
- Rend
- Reptalon

Palace of Paroxysmus:
- Putrefier

Prism of Light:
- Crystal Lattice Seeker
- Crystal Vortex
- Crystal Hydra
- Unfrozen Mummy

The Citadel:
- Black Order Mages
- Black Order Assassins

Two Spellweaving Scroll: Summon Fey and Summon Fiend, can only be obtained by completing a Quest Chains: Friend of the Fey and Fiendish Friends!

Spellweaving Spell

Spell NameMana CostMinimum SkillDescriptionEffectArcane Focus BonusFormula
Arcane Circle

24 0 In order to Cast Arcane Circle, your Character must be at the middle of any Arcane Circle, Pentagram or Abattoir! It check 1 tile around the middle to any other Character Spellweaving. It encourage multiple Spellweaving Players in order to gain high Arcane Focus! Arcane Focus crystal will enhances Spellweaving Spells, higher duration spell, range area, damage and heal! Being on the Arcane Circle at West Britain Bank, Sanctuary or Prism of Light will give an addition Arcane Focus Bonus of +1 (Maximum of Arcane Focus is +6, need 5 Players + Arcane Circle Bonus) - Get Number of Spellweaving = 1 Tile Around the Middle of Arcane Circle, Pentagram or Abattoir
weavers = 1 (Caster); For each Mobile
weavers += if(Math.Abs(Caster.Spellweaving - 1TileAround.Spellweaving) <= 20)

Duration = Hours(Math.Max(1, (Spellweaving / 24)))
Duration += Hours(Math.Min(5, Arcanists.Count))
Duration Min/Max = 1/10 Hour(s)

Strength = Max(5, Arcanists.Count)
Strength += if(IsSpecialLocation ? 1 : 0)
Strength Min/Max = 2/6
Gift of Renewal

24 0 When Casting on yourself or a Target 10 Tiles close to your Character, it will either Cure the Poison and will Cancel the Cooldown Timer or Regenerate Hit Point each 2 Seconds! The Duration is based on your Spellweaving and Arcane Focus! There's a Cooldown Delay of 60 Seconds before re-gaining the Gift of Renewal Effect! Each Arcane Focus:
+1 Hit Points
+10 Seconds
Hit Point per Round = 5 + (Spellweaving/24) + ArcaneFocus
Hit Point per Round Min/Max = 5/16

Duration = Seconds(30 + (ArcaneFocus * 10))
Duration Min/Max = 30/90 Seconds

24 0 When Active become into Attunement Mode: It create a magical barrier that absorb Melee Damage! When all Damage Absorb are done, your Character will start losing Hit Point as normally! There's a Cooldown Delay of 2 minutes! Each Arcane Focus:
+6 Damage Absorb
+12 Seconds
DamageAbsorb = (18 + ((Spellweaving-10)/10)*3 + (ArcaneFocus * 6))
DamageAbsorb Min/Max = 15/87

Duration = Seconds(60 + (ArcaneFocus * 12))
Duration Min/Max = 60/132 Seconds
Nature's Fury

24 0 Summon a Nature Fury that will attack anything it can see! Hit in Poison Damage! Cannot be controlled with command order! Always murderer! They become in rage every 5 seconds and gain +1 Minimum Damage. It cost 1 Follower per Nature Fury! Each Arcane Focus:
+2 Seconds
Duration = Seconds((Spellweaving/24) + 25 + (ArcaneFocus*2))
Duration Min/Max = 25/42 Seconds
Immolating Weapon

32 10 When Active become into Immolating Weapon Mods: It add Fire Damage to the melee weapon currently equipped! Require a Melee Weapon Equipped to cast Immolating Weapon (no Range Weapon)! Each Arcane Focus:
+1 Damage
+1 Second
Damage = 10 + Min(Spellweaving/24, 1) + ArcaneFocus
Damage Min/Max = 11/21

Duration = Seconds(10 + Min((Spellweaving/24), 1) + ArcaneFocus)
Duration Min/Max = 11/21 Seconds

32 10 Deal Area Energy Damage (2 to 8 Tiles) around the Caster! It can curse all target who been hit with Faster Cast Recovery penalty of -6! Opponent can use their Skill Resisting Spells to help resist the curse! Each Arcane Focus:
+1 Tile
+1 Damage
+1 Second
Range = 2 + ArcaneFocus
Range Min/Max = 2/8

Damage = 15 + ArcaneFocus
Damage Min/Max = 15/21

Duration = Seconds(5 + ArcaneFocus)
Duration Min/Max = 5/11 Seconds
Arcane Empowerment

50 24 When Active become into Arcane Empowerment Mode: It raise the Caster Spell Damage Increase and Heal Amount of (Magery Spell: Heal and Greater Heal, Chivalry Spell: Close Wounds and Spellweaving Spell: Gift of Renewal), any Summons Creature made by the Caster will have 10% more Hit Points and harder to Dispel! Each Arcane Focus:
+5% SDI
+1% Heal Bonus
+2 Seconds
SDIBonus = Floor((Spellweaving/12) + (ArcaneFocus * 5))
SDIBonus Min/Max = 2/40

HealBonus = Floor((1 + (10 + SDIBonus) / 100) * toHeal)
HealBonus Min/Max = 1.12/1.5

Duration = Seconds(15 + (Spellweaving/24) + (ArcaneFocus * 2))
Duration Min/Max = 16/32 Seconds
Ethereal Voyage

32 24 When Active become into Ethereal Voyage Mode: The Caster Transform into a bright green Meer Mage. It prevent any monsters to see the Caster for certain time or if the Caster do Aggressive action, but during the effect, the Caster can receive Area Damage! Can Cast only out of Combat! There's a Cooldown Delay of 5 minutes! Each Arcane Focus:
+2 Seconds
Duration = Seconds(12 + (Spellweaving/24) + (ArcaneFocus * 2))
Duration Min/Max = 13/29 Seconds
Reaper Form

34 24 Transform the Caster into a Reaper, it give 10% Swing Spell Increase, 10% Spell Damage Increase, +5 Physical & Cold & Poison & Energy but -25 Fire Resistance! It give also a penalty to the Movement Speed limited to Walking only! (Cannot run anymore) Cannot ride any Mount! Each Arcane Focus:
+1 Swing Spell Increase
+1 Spell Damage Increase
+1 Physical & Cold & Poison & Energy Resistances
SwingSpeedBonus = 10 + ArcaneFocus
SwingSpeedBonus Min/Max = 10/16

SpellDamageBonus = 10 + ArcaneFocus
SpellDamageBonus Min/Max = 10/16

Physical & Cold & Poison & Energy Resist = 5 + ArcaneFocus
Physical & Cold & Poison & Energy Resist Min/Max = 5/11
Gift of Life

70 38 When Active become into Gift of Life Mode: It require to Target either Yourself or your Bonded Pet's, it offer the Resurrection Gump Randomly between 2 to 4 seconds when become Death! Can either choose to Resurrect or Stay Death! The Effect last until the Timer or when Dying! Bonded Pet's, can only receive the Resurrection Gump if at least 18 tiles around the Owner! Each Arcane Focus:
+1% Hit Point
+1 Minute
HitsScalar = ((Spellweaving/2.4) + ArcaneFocus)/100
HitsScalar Min/Max = 0.1583333/0.56

Duration = Minutes(((int)(Spellweaving/24) * 2) + ArcaneFocus)
Duration Min/Max = 2/16 Minutes
Summon Fey

10 38 Require to complete the Quest Chains: Friend of the Fey! Summon a Pixie that will Follow the Caster! Can be controlled with command order! It cost 1 Follower per Pixie! Can Summon 5 Pixies if having at least 4 Arcane Focus but consume Mana for each Summon Pixies! Each Arcane Focus:
+1 Summon
+2 Minutes
Summon = 1 + ArcaneFocus
Summon Min/Max = 1/5

Duration = Minutes((Spellweaving/24) + (ArcaneFocus * 2))
Duration Min/Max = 1.583333/17 Minutes
Summon Fiend

10 38 Require to complete the Quest Chains: Fiendish Friends! Summon a Imp that will Follow the Caster! Can be controlled with command order! It cost 1 Follower per Imps! Can Summon 5 Imps if having at least 4 Arcane Focus but consume Mana for each Summon Imps! Each Arcane Focus:
+1 Summon
+2 Minutes
Summon = 1 + ArcaneFocus
Summon Min/Max = 1/5

Duration = Minutes((Spellweaving/24) + (ArcaneFocus * 2))
Duration Min/Max = 1.583333/17 Minutes
Dryad Allure

40 52 Attempt to Charm any Repond Slayer Creature (Arctic Ogre Lord, Cyclops, Ettin, Evil Mage, Evil Mage Lord, Frost Troll, Meer Captain, Meer Eternal, Meer Mage, Meer Warrior, Ogre, Ogre Lord, Orc, Orc Bomber, Orc Brute, Orc Captain, Orc Chopper, Orc Scout, Orcish Lord, Orcish Mage, Ratman, Ratman Archer, Ratman Mage, Savage Rider, Savage Shaman, Savage, Titan, Trool, Troglodyte, Moug Guur, Chiikkaha, Minotaur) that will Follow the Caster! Can be controlled with command order! It cost 3 Follower per Charm! Allured Creature will never lose loyalty and always follows commands, responding "Very Well" to each one! Failing Charm will make the Targeted Creature Attack the Caster! Cannot Charm Paragon Creature! Each Arcane Focus:
+2% Chance
Chance = (Spellweaving/150) + (ArcaneFocus/50)
Chance Min/Max = 0.346667/0.92 (35%/92%)
Essence of Wind

40 52 Deal Area Cold Damage (5 to 11 Tiles) around the Caster! It can curse all target who been hit with Faster Casting penalty of -6 and Swing Speed Increase penalty of ! Opponent can use their Skill Resisting Spells to help resist the curse! Each Arcane Focus:
+1 Tile
+1 Damage
+1 Second
+1 FC Penalty
+2 SSI Penalty
Range = 5 + ArcaneFocus
Range Min/Max = 5/11

Damage = 25 + ArcaneFocus
Damage Min/Max = 25/31

FasterCastingPenalty = 1 + ArcaneFocus
FasterCastingPenalty Min/Max = 1/7

SwingSpeedIncreasePenalty = 2 * (ArcaneFocus + 1)
SwingSpeedIncreasePenalty Min/Max = 2/14

Duration = Seconds((Spellweaving/24) + ArcaneFocus)
Duration Min/Max = 2/11 Seconds

50 66 Create a Fire Field Square (2 to 8 Tiles) that deal Fire Damage each second to any Mobile inside the Wildfire! Each Arcane Focus:
+1 Tile
+1 Damage
+1 Second
Tile = 2 + ArcaneFocus
Tile Min/Max = 2/8

Damage = 15 + ArcaneFocus
Damage Min/Max = 15/21

Duration = Seconds((Spellweaving/24) + ArcaneFocus)
Duration Min/Max = 2/11 Seconds
Word of Death

50 80 Deal Chaos Damage to any Target! If the Target current Hit Point is under a certain Percentage it will deal 300 Chaos Damage! Each Arcane Focus:
+5% Percentage
Percentage = 0.05 * ArcaneFocus
Percentage Min/Max = 0/0.30 (0%/30%)

If((Mobile.Hits / Mobile.HitsMax) < Percentage)
Damage = 300
MinDamage = Spellweaving / 5
MaxDamage = Spellweaving / 3
Damage = RandomMinMax(MinDamage, MaxDamage)
DamageBonus = GetValue.SpellDamageIncrease
If(Mobile.Player && DamageBonus > 15)
DamageBonus = 15

Damage *= DamageBonus + 100
Damage /= 100

Damage Min/Max = 16.6/27.6667Min 24/40Max (Without SDI)

Spellweaving Power 24

In Spellweaving, the special number for calculate formula for spell is: 24!

SpellweavingDivided 24 Bonus

Spellweaving 100% Casting Success

To Cast any Spellweaving Spell with a 100% Success Change it need:

Base Minimum Requirement + 40

All Summon Fey Names

- Calee
- Ciline
- Cynthe
- Hali
- Jiki
- Klian
- Klistra
- Laeri
- Liera
- Nedra
- Os
- Ourie
- Piepe
- Piku
- Rael
- Sefi
- Shendri
- Shiale
- Shri
- Sili
- Sini
- Wienne
- Xian
- Ybri
- Zanne
- Zut

Training Spellweaving

To start train the Skill Spellweaving, it require the Spellweaving Spellbook in order to cast a Spell but also it need to have complete a Quest Chains: Discipline or Patience. (Discipline is easier then Patience). After completing 1 of the Spellweaving Quest Chains, it reward the Spellweaving Spellbook with 2 Spellweaving Scroll: Arcane Circle and Gift of Renewal!

0 to 10 - Arcane Circle (Need to stand on the middle of any Arcane Circle, Pentagram or Abattoir)
10 to 24 - Immolating Weapon (Require to equip any Melee Weapon, no Range Weapon)
24 to 38 - Reaper Form
38 to 52 - Summon Fey / Summon Fiend (Summon Fey require to complete the Quest Chains: Friend of the Fey / Summon Fiend require to complete the Quest Chains: Fiendish Friends)
52 to 66 - Essence of Wind
66 to 83 - Wildfire
83 to 120 - Word of Death (Make sure to have a Healing method!)