Artifact Doom


Arcane Shield

Armor of Fortune

Axe of the Heavens

The Berserker's Maul

Blade of Insanity

Bone Crusher

Bracelet of Health

Breath of the Dead

Divine Countenance

The Dragon Slayer

The Dryad Bow


Gauntlets of Nobility

Hat of the Magi

Helm of Insight

Holy Knight's Breastplate

Hunter's Headdress

Jackal's Collar

Legacy of the Dread Lord

Leggings of Bane

Midnight Bracers

Ornament of the Magician

Ornate Crown of the Harrower

Ring of the Elements

Ring of the Vile

Serpent's Fang

Shadow Dancer Leggings

Spirit of the Totem

Staff of the Magi

The Taskmaster

Tunic of Fire

Voice of the Fallen King

UOG: Demise - Doom Boss Artifact Drop Chance

Doom Accumulate Chance Drop System
All players will start he's accumulate point at 0 and the chance increments after each Doom Bosses die divided over all players with loot right.
When you receive an Artifact, your accumulate point restart to 0.

points = totalPoints * ( 1 / totalPlayers ) * ( damage / totalDamage ) * ( 1 + luckMod )^2

luckMod = luckChance / 8500
luckChance = luck^( 1 / 1.8 ) * 100

Dark Fathers: totalPoints = 9.0 / 256
Other Bosses: totalPoints = 9.0 / 1024

1 - When a Doom Bosses die the new accumulated point are calculated for all players with loot right.
2 - New accumulated points are added to each players total accumulated point.
3 - A roll is made for all players with there total accumulated points who represents a chance out of 100.
4 - If a player roll an Artifact. This player get a Random Artifact and his accumulate point are reset to 0 and the system Stop Rolling.
Only 1 Artifact can drop par Doom Bosses

Dark Fathers

Hit PointsManaStamina
Base Damage = 17 - 21
Virtual Armor = 64
Fame = 28000
Karma = -28000
Slayer Vulnerability = Demon Slayer
Tameble = No
Bard Difficulty = ???

Darknight Creeper

301 - 330301 - 330101 - 110
Hit PointsManaStamina
4000301 - 330101 - 110
Base Damage = 22 - 26
Virtual Armor = 34
Fame = 22000
Karma = -22000
Slayer Vulnerability = Undead Slayer
Tameble = No
Bard Difficulty = ???

Flesh Renderer

401 - 460221 - 260201 - 210
Hit PointsManaStamina
4500221 - 260201 - 210
Base Damage = 16 - 20
Virtual Armor = 24
Fame = 23000
Karma = -23000
Slayer Vulnerability = No
Tameble = No
Bard Difficulty = ???


Hit PointsManaStamina
Base Damage = 31 - 35
Virtual Armor = 49
Fame = 24000
Karma = -24000
Slayer Vulnerability = Demon Slayer
Tameble = No
Bard Difficulty = ???

Shadow Knight

Hit PointsManaStamina
Base Damage = 20 - 30
Virtual Armor = 54
Fame = 25000
Karma = -25000
Slayer Vulnerability = Undead Slayer
Tameble = No
Bard Difficulty = ???

Main Boss
Dark Father
( 9.0 / 256 ) * ( 1 / totalPlayers ) * ( damage / 30000 ) * ( 1 + luckMod )^2

Mini Bosses
( 9.0 / 1024 ) * ( 1 / totalPlayers ) * ( damage / 4500 ) * ( 1 + luckMod )^2
Abyssmal Horrors
( 9.0 / 1024 ) * ( 1 / totalPlayers ) * ( damage / 6000 ) * ( 1 + luckMod )^2
Darknight Creepers
( 9.0 / 1024 ) * ( 1 / totalPlayers ) * ( damage / 4500) * ( 1 + luckMod )^2
Shadow Knights
( 9.0 / 1024 ) * ( 1 / totalPlayers ) * ( damage / 2000 ) * ( 1 + luckMod )^2
( 9.0 / 1024 ) * ( 1 / totalPlayers ) * ( damage / 5000 ) * ( 1 + luckMod )^2

Luck Mod
610 luck = 0.415
1000 luck = 0.5465
1400 luck = 0.659
1700 luck = 0.7333
2400 luck = 0.888

Example: (provided by users on uodemise forum)
#1 Conditions:
• Arty drop range is 0.7-1.0.
• There are 5 players.
• Each player does 20% of total damage (realistically speaking it's usually 15%, with one of the guys taking out the other 40% because of their gear/template)
• Each player has 0 luck.
• There are 2 bosses per stage.

Points per mini-boss: 0.0003515625
Points per DF: 0.00140625
Points per round: 0.006328125

Range: 110-158 Rounds before an artifact drops.

#2 Conditions:
• Hell hound tamer does 50% of damage to the boss.
• Arty drop range is 0.7-1.0.
• There are 5 players.
• The tamer has 1400 luck.
• There are 2 bosses per stage.

Points per mini-boss: 0.00241899697
Points per DF: 0.00967598789
Points per round: 0.0435419455

Range: 16-22 Rounds before an artifact drops.

#3 Conditions:
• Hell hound tamer does 50% of damage to the boss.
• Arty drop range is 0.3-1.0.
• There are five players.
• The tamer has 1400 luck.
• There are 2 bosses per stage.

Points per mini-boss: 0.00241899697
Points per DF: 0.00967598789
Points per round: 0.0435419455

Range: 6-22 Rounds before an artifact drops.
With Bushido Luck 2400 Range: 3-11 Rounds

#4 Conditions:
• Arty drop range is 0.3-1.0.
• There are 5 players.
• Each player does 20% of total damage (realistically speaking it's usually 15%, with one of the guys taking out the other 40% because of their gear/template)
• Each player has 0 luck.
• There are 2 bosses per stage.

Points per mini-boss: 0.0003515625
Points per DF: 0.00140625
Points per round: 0.006328125

Range: 48-158 rounds

#5 Conditions:

You can use your Browser Google Chrome to calculate:

Luck Multiplier Points

Around 610 Luck for 2x points
Around 1700 Luck for 3x points
Around 2400 Luck for 4x points

Curent Best Luck Suit on UOG: Demise

Armor = 200 Armor of Fortune
Weapon = 200 Sword of Prosperity
Head = 150 Jesters Hat of Chuckles
Ring = 100 Ring of the Elements / Looted Ring
Bracelet = 100 Looted Bracelet
Neck = 300 Leurocian's Mempo of Fortune
Hands = 140 Runic Crafted Gloves / Enchanted Gloves
Legs = 140 Runic Crafted Gloves / Enchanted Gloves
Sleeves = 140 Runic Crafted Gloves / Enchanted Gloves
Robe = 140 Conjurer's Garb (95 Robe of the Eclipse / Robe of the Equinox)
Sash = 20 Luck Sash (Special Demise Item)
Cape = ??
Talisman = ??
Total = 1625
Bushido Perfection = 1000
Total with Bushido = 2625


(OLD SYSTEM) UOG: Demise - Doom Boss Artifact Drop Chance

Calculate the drop chance for:
Dark Father
Other Gauntlet Boss

When the player who does the most damage to the selected boss has luck, and other characters1 earned looting rights on the boss, my chances of receiving an artifact are...

Important facts to consider when thinking about gauntlet drops.
  • The chance that a boss will drop an artifact is affected by the Luck of the player who does the most damage to it.
  • If a boss ends up dropping an artifact, it is randomly given to one of the players who earned looting rights on the boss. In-Game Luck plays NO factor in actually receiving an artifact if one is dropped.
  • Most players have no idea what they are talking about when they explain Gauntlet drop rates, don't believe them.

1 This number is in addition to yourself. So enter 0 if you are the only player with loot rights to the boss.