Location Dungeon

In Ultima Online there's many Dungeons available in all different Facet with a total of ~61 Dungeons!

Each Dungeons offer a different kind of Monsters to fight! Some of them are small and other are huge and dangerous! Some Dungeons have Champions Spawn Altars!

Trammel & Malas Dungeons allow to Mark Blank Rune, but not in Felucca, Ilshenar and Tokuno!
Trammel & Malas Dungeons allow to Gate Travel, Recall or Sacred Journey out of the Dungeons, Ilshenar and Tokuno only for Recall and Sacred Journey and nothing is allow in Felucca!

Trammel Dungeons

- Blighted Grove
- Covetous
- Deceit
- Despise
- Destard
- Hythloth
- Orc Dungeon
- Painted Caves
- Prism of Light
- Sanctuary
- Shame
- Solen Hives
- Wind
- Wrong

Trammel T2A Dungeons

- Britain Sewers
- Delucia Passage
- Fire Dungeon
- Ice Dungeon
- Palace of Paroxysmus
- Terathan Keep Underground

Felucca Dungeons

- Blighted Grove
- Covetous
- Deceit
- Despise
- Destard
- Hythloth
- Orc Dungeon
- Painted Caves
- Prism of Light
- Sanctuary
- Shame
- Solen Hives
- Wind
- Wrong

Felucca T2A Dungeons

- Britain Sewers
- Delucia Passage
- Khaldun
- Fire Dungeon
- Ice Dungeon
- Palace of Paroxysmus
- Terathan Keep Underground

Ilshenar Dungeons

- Ancient Citadel
- Ancient Lair
- Ankh Dungeon
- Blood Dungeon
- Exodus Dungeon
- Lizard Passage
- Rat Cave
- Rock Dungeon
- Sorcerers Dungeon
- Spectre Dungeon
- Spider Cave
- Twisted Weald
- Wisp Dungeon
- Wyrm Mountain

Malas Dungeons

- Bedlam
- Doom
- Labyrinth

Tokuno Dungeons

- Fan Dancer Dojo
- The Citadel
- Yomotsu Mines