Quest - Patience
The Quest Patience will allow your Character to use the Skill Spellweaving. There's also the Quest Discipline!Patience is a Quest Chain of 5 parts.
Items Require
- 20 Miniature Mushroom - You can find them on the floor of Heartwood City.- 10 Bale of Cotton - You can buy them at any NPC Tailor or you can harvest them at any cotton farm.
- 250 Board (750gp) - You can buy them at any NPC Carpenter or Tinker or use the skill Lumberjacking to harvest Board.
- 1 Sack of Flour - You can buy them at any NPC Cook.
- 10 Jar of Honey - You can buy them at any NPC Cook.
- 20 fish steak (cooked) - You can buy at any NPC Fisher 20 Raw Fish Steak, buy any Cooking Tools, stand close to a Heat Source and use the Skill Cooking to cook 20 Raw Fish Steak into 20 Fish Steak (0 Cooking Skill require) or use the Magery Spell Create Food and create 20 Fish Steak.
Start the Quest Patience
Go talk to Aeluva the Arcanist located in Heartwood city, last north east branch.

When you find her, Double Left Click on her to open Quest Gump and take the Quest - Patience.
Quest - Patience
Learning to weave spells and control the forces of nature requires sacrifice, discipline, focus, and unwavering dedication to Sosaria herself. We do not teach the unworthy. They do not comprehend the lessons nor the dedication required. If you would walk the path of the Arcanist, then you must do as I require without hesitation or question. Your first task is to gather miniature mushrooms ... 20 of them from the branches of our mighty home. I give you one hour to complete the task.
Obtain 20 Miniature Mushrooms on the floor of Heartwood city in under 3600 seconds (1 hours)..
The opportunity to learn the ways of the Arcanist.
What To Do:
Aeluva request to have 20x Miniature Mushroom. Those Miniature Mushroom is located anywhere on the floor of Heartwood city. You can use on your keyboard, Hold Ctrl + Shift to find item on the ground. Repeat it multiple time and move around.

When you have 20x Miniature Mushroom, Single Left Click on your Character -> Click Toggle Quest Item -> Target 20x Miniature Mushroom. (they will change color to orange)
Go back talk to Aeluva, Double Left Click on Aeluva the Arcanist to deliver 20x Miniature Mushroom -> Click Continue in the Gump Quest - Patience to collect your reward and then she will open Quest Gump - Need of the Many - The Heartwood (1). Take it!
Quest - Need of the Many - The Heartwood (1)
The way of the Arcanist involves cooperation with others and a strong committment to the community of your people. We have run low on the cotton we use to pack wounds and our people have need. Bring 10 bales of cotton to me.
Obtain 10 Bale of Cotton.
The opportunity to learn the ways of the Arcanist.
What To Do:
Aeluva request to have 10x Bale of Cotton. It's time you use 10x Bale of Cotton. If you didn't take them before starting the Quest - Patience, you can buy them at any NPC Tailor or you can harvest them at any cotton farm.
When you have 10x Bale of Cotton, Single Left Click on your Character -> Click Toggle Quest Item -> Target 10x Bale of Cotton. (they will change color to orange)
Go back talk to Aeluva, Double Left Click on Aeluva the Arcanist to deliver 10x Bale of Cotton -> Click Continue in the Gump Quest - Need of the Many - The Heartwood (1) to collect your reward and then she will open Quest Gump - Need of the Many - The Heartwood (2). Take it!
Quest - Need of the Many - The Heartwood (2)
We must look to the defense of our people! Bring boards for new arrows.
Obtain 250 Board.
The opportunity to learn the ways of the Arcanist.
What To Do:
Aeluva request to have 250x Board. It's time you use 250x Board. If you didn't take them before starting the Quest - Patience, you can buy them at any NPC Carpenter or Tinker or use the skill Lumberjacking to harvest Board.
When you have 250x Board, Single Left Click on your Character -> Click Toggle Quest Item -> Target 250x Board. (they will change color to orange)
Go back talk to Aeluva, Double Left Click on Aeluva the Arcanist to deliver 250x Board -> Click Continue in the Gump Quest - Need of the Many - The Heartwood (2) to collect your reward and then she will open Quest Gump - Making a Contribution - The Heartwood. Take it!
Quest - Making a Contribution - The Heartwood
With health and defense assured, we need look to the need of the community for food and drink. We will feast on fish steaks, sweets, and wine. You will supply the ingredients, the cooks will prepare the meal. As a Arcanist relies upon others to build focus and lend their power to her workings, the community needs the effort of all to survive.
Obtain 1 Sack of Flour, 10 Jar or Honey and 20 Fish Steak.
The opportunity to learn the ways of the Arcanist.
What To Do:
Aeluva request to have 1x Sack of Flour, 10x Jar or Honey and 20x Fish Steak. It's time you use 1x Sack of Flour, 10x Jar or Honey and 20x Fish Steak. If you didn't take them before starting the Quest - Patience, you can buy 1x Sack of Flour and 10x Jar or Honey at any NPC Cook and you can buy 20x Raw Fish Steak at any NPC Fisher 20, buy any Cooking Tools, stand close to a Heat Source and use the Skill Cooking to cook 20 Raw Fish Steak into 20 Fish Steak (0 Cooking Skill require) or use the Magery Spell Create Food and create 20x Fish Steak.
When you have 1x Sack of Flour, 10x Jar or Honey and 20x Fish Steak, Single Left Click on your Character -> Click Toggle Quest Item -> Target 1x Sack of Flour, 10x Jar or Honey and 20x Fish Steak. (they will change color to orange)
Go back talk to Aeluva, Double Left Click on Aeluva the Arcanist to deliver 1x Sack of Flour, 10x Jar or Honey and 20x Fish Steak -> Click Continue in the Gump Quest - Making a Contribution - The Heartwood to collect your reward and then she will open Quest Gump - Unnatural Creations. Take it!
Quest - Unnatural Creations
You have proven your desire to contribute to the community and serve the people. Now you must demonstrate your willingness to defend Sosaria from the greatest blight that plagues her. Unnatural creatures, brought to a sort of perverted life, despoil our fair world. Destroy them -- 5 Exodus Overseers and 2 Exodus Minions.
Slay 5 Exodus Overseers and 2 Exodus Minions.
- Spellweaving Spellbook
- Spellweaving Scroll Arcane Circle
- Spellweaving Scroll Gift of Renewal
What To Do:
Aeluva request to kill 5x Exodus Overseers. You can find them in Ilshenar facet at the Exodus Dungeon.

When you have kill 5x Exodus Overseers, it's time to go kill 2x Exodus Minions again in the Exodus Dungeon.

When you have kill all the 5x Exodus Overseers and 2x Exodus Minions.
Go back talk to Aeluva, Double Left Click on Aeluva the Arcanist -> Click Continue in the Gump Quest - Unnatural Creations -> Click Accept to collect your reward.
Congratulation, your Character is now able to use the Skill Spellweaving and you receive your Spellweaving Spellbook with 2 Spellweaving Scroll Arcane Circle and Gift of Renewal!