Christmas Town - 2017 - Maugrim

The Maugrim is one of the Christmas Town Boss located in the Fictional Wardrobe at the Snow Castle!


He's located at the Snow Castle!


- ?
- Snowglobe (random)
- Silver Sapling Deed
- Lobster Dinner Cooked by "Staff Name" (random staff name)
- LToT (random)
- ML Arty (random)
- Gold Rain

- Trumpet
- Cello
- LToT (random)
- A Pile Of Glacial Snow
- Gold Rain

- Hitching Post
- Potted Snowfluff Tree

- Crystal Begger Statue
- Crystal Supplicant Statue
- ML Arty (random)

- Metallic Cloth Dye Tub
- Ltot (Random)
- and more...need to kill him more...

How to fight Maugrim

- Double Left Click on the "Fictional Wardrobe":

- Run North at the end of the room and step on:

- Run South-West of the map to walk up on the Hidden Stairs, when you are near them they will reveal: (left to AS-LAN the Sphynx)

- Double Left Click on the "White Witches Sacrificial Dagger":

- Maugrim Castle Room spawn here: