Christmas Town - 2017 - Christmas Angel

The Christmas Angel is one of the Christmas Town Boss located in the A Puzzling Gift Box at the top of the tree Inside Christmas Star Chamber!


He's located at the Inside Christmas Star Chamber!


- ?
- Energy Earring
- A Christmas Angel's Harp
- Wall Mounted Bell
- ML Arty (random)
- Gold Rain

- Energy Earring
- Garden Shed
- Masonary Bell
- Mistletoe Deed
- Cowbell
- ML Arty (random)
- A Fireworks Wand
- Gold Rain

- Crystal Altar
- Snow Tile
- Snow Puffed Tree
- Holiday Bells
- LToT (random)
- A Fireworks Wand

- Crystal Brazier

- Angel Decoration
- LToT (random)
- ML Arty (random)
- Metallic Cloth Dye Tub
- A Fireworks Wand
- and more...need to kill him more...

How to fight Christmas Angel

- Double Left Click on the "A Puzzling Gift Box":

- Lever's Puzzle:
- T - West - Room: Blue, Red Line - 1st
- H - East - Room: Yellow, Red Line - 1st
- E - North - Room: Orange, Yellow Line - 1st

- S - East - Room: Blue, Blue Line - 2nd
- T - South - Room: Blue, Blue Line - 3td
- A - South - Room: Orange, Yellow Line - 3td
- R - West - Room: Green, Yellow Line - 1st

- C - West - Room: Blue, Blue Line - 1st
- H - North - Room: Grey, Blue Line - 1st
- A - East - Room: Orange - Yellow Line - 2nd
- M - North - Room: Blue - Blue Line - 3td
- B - East - Room: Purple - Blue Line - 2nd
- E - East - Room: Green - Yellow Line - 2nd
- R - South - Room: Green - Yellow Line - 3td
The Complete Word is: THE STAR CHAMBER

UOSteam Macro
Go to the center of those 4 levers, and start the macro:

- Climb up all the stairs and walk on this tile:

- The Christmas Angel Room spawn here: