Christmas Town - 2016 - Felucca Area

Felucca Area

The Felucca Area (Map 13) is located by entering the Little Old Women house house from the Main Area and using the Magical Cookbook, Written By Mad Mage Kronos.

In the Felucca Area area, we can find the Christmas Boss - Gingerbread Man and the Quest - A Hungry Fox.

Magical Cookbook, Written By Mad Mage Kronos

- From the Main Area, go to the West Wall and enter inside the Little Old Women house:

- Double Left Click on the "Magical Cookbook, Written By Mad Mage Kronos":

WARNING: By entering the Gingerbread Man Area, PVP is allowed!

- Go talk to the Quest Giver A Sly And Hungry Fox, located on the West and take he's Quest - A Hungry Fox.

- A Sly And Hungry Fox request you to obtain 1x Gingerbread Cookie.