Mace and Shield Reading Glasses
The Mace and Shield Reading Glasses is a Community Collections from the Britain Library like a Glasses. The were introduced with the Mondain's Legacy Expansion. It's a kind of equipment that use the Head Slot from the Character Paperdoll.
Mace and Shield Reading Glasses
Weight: 2 Stones
Hit Lower Defence 30%
Strength Bonus 10
Dexterity Bonus 5
Physical Resist 25%
Fire Resist 10%
Cold Resist 10%
Poison Resist 10%
Energy Resist 10%
Strength Requirement 45
Durability: 255 / 255
Mace and Blade Section Donation Representative (Warrior)Britain Library Point to Warrior
800,000 PointsDonation Items
- Battle Axe - 9 Points- Buckler - 9 Points
Cost Analyst
Battle Axe = 9 PointsMace and Shield Reading Glasses = 800,000 Points / 9 Points = 88,889 Battle Axes
Battle Axe = 26 Golds in Trammel
Battle Axe = 18 Golds in Felucca
88,889 Battle Axes * 26 Golds = 2,311,114 Golds
88,889 Battle Axes * 18 Golds = 1,600,002 Golds
Buckler = 9 Points
Mace and Shield Reading Glasses = 800,000 Points / 9 Points = 88,889 Bucklers
Buckler = 50 Golds in Trammel
Buckler = 35 Golds in Felucca
88,889 Bucklers * 50 Golds = 4,444,450 Golds
88,889 Bucklers * 35 Golds = 3,111,115 Golds