Item Artifact Craftable Resillient Bracer
The Resillient Bracer is a Craftable Artifact like a Bracelet. It need to be Unlock by Learning it's Recipe!
Resillient Bracer
Weight: 1 Stone
+15 Resisting Spells
Hit Point Increase 5
Hit Point Regeneration 2
Defense Chance Increase 10%
Physical Resist 20%
* Require to Learn he's Recipe!- Craft with the Skill - Tinkering - Minimum 100 - With 2 Ingots, 50 Diamond, 5 Blue Diamonds and 1 Captured Essence!
Obtain Recipe
Heartwood City - NPC Quest GiverSleen The Trinket Weaver & Waelian The Trinket Weaver
- Necessity's Mother = 10x Tinker's Tools (2 Ingots each)
- The Far Eye = 20x Spyglass (4 Ingots each)
- Tick Tock = 10x Clock
Tholef The Grape Tender & Tillanil The Grape Tender
- Beer Goggles = 25x Barrel Tap (2 Ingots each)
- The Song of the Wind = 10x Fancy Wind Chimes (15 Ingots each)
Anolly the Bark Weaver & Unoelil the Bark Weaver
- The Far Eye = 20x Spyglass (4 Ingots each)
Sanctuary City - NPC Quest Giver
Dallid the Cook
- Breeze's Song = 10x Fancy Wind Chimes (15 Ingots each)
- Tapping the Keg = 25x Barrel Tap (2 Ingots each)
Danoel the Metal Weaver
- Inventive Tools = 10x Tinker's Tools (2 Ingots each)
- Tick Tock = 10x Clock
- The Glass Eye = 10x Spyglass (4 Ingots each)