Item Artifact Champion Detective Boots
The Detective Boots is a Champion Artifact like a Boots. It exist 3 kind of Detective Boots!
Legendary Detective of the Royal Guard [Replica]
Weight: 3 Stones
Intelligence +4
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 150 / 150

Elder Detective of the Royal Guard [Replica]
Weight: 3 Stones
Intelligence +3
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 150 / 150

Mythical Detective of the Royal Guard [Replica]
Weight: 3 Stones
Intelligence +2
Strength Requirement 10
Durability 150 / 150
- By killing any Monsters in a Champion Spawn Area of the Vermin Horde Spawn - Barracoon, Forest Lord Spawn - Lord Oaks or Sleeping Dragon Spawn - Serado the Awakened but you MUST be in the Champion Spawn Area when the Champion Die!Price Check Detective Boots
Legendary Detective of the Royal Guard +/- 8kkElder Detective of the Royal Guard +/- 4kk
Mythical Detective of the Royal Guard +/- 2kk