Magery Spell Heal


In Mani
First Circle

0 Magery
Heals Target of small amount of Hit Points.


When casting can either target our self or a target, it will Heal Restore Hit Points! Targeting other then our self will raise the amount of Heal by 50%! The Caster Magery raise the amount of Heal! Cannot Heal if under Poison Effect! (need to Cure Poison) Cannot Heal if under Mortal Effect! (need to remove Mortal)

Minimum Requirements for Casting

Note: Circle #1 need 0 Magery!

Mana Cost

Lower Mana Cost0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%
Mana Cost43.
Note: Circle #1 need 4 Mana! Mana Cost is not a decimal number, ex: 3.8 = 3, 3.2 = 3!

Casting Delay

Faster Casting-2-1012
Casting Second(s)0.750.500.250.250.25
Note: Under Magery Protection Spell Effect -2 Faster Casting, Under Spellweaving Essence of Wind Spell Effect -6 Faster Casting!


GarlicGinsengSpider's Silk
Note: The Character Mods Lower Reagent Cost can remove the Reagent Consumption!


Heal = Caster.Magery / 12
Heal += Random(1, 4)
if(Core.SE && Caster != Target)
Heal = (int)(Heal * 1.5)
Heal Min/Max = 1/14
Heal Min/Max Target = 1/21