Quest - Elven Heritage
The Quest Elven Heritage will allow your Character to change his Race from Human to Elf. This Quest can be done as much as you want, there's no limit! The only requirement is your Character have to be in the Race of Human.Items Require
- 20 Raw Fish Steaks (60gp) - You can buy them from any NPC Fishers at any docks, or go Fishing and Cut with any blade your Fish into Raw Fish Steaks.- A Pitcher of Water (11gp) - You can buy them from any NPC Barkeeper, Waiter or Innkeepers.
Start the Quest Elven Heritage
Go talk to Darius the wise located in Moonglow city north in the Lycaeum.

When you find him, he doesn't have any Quest Gump when you Double Left Click on him, you just need to go near him and he will start talking to you by saying:
Darius: "Your Character Name"
Darius: Blessings of Sosaria to you and merry met, friend.
Darius: I am glad for your company and wonder if you seek the heritage of your people? I sense within you an elven bloodline -- the purity of which was lost when our brothers and sisters were exiled here in the Rupture.
Darius: If it is your desire yo reclaim your place amongst the people, you must demonstrate that you understand and embrace the responsibilities expected of you an elf.
Darius: The most basic lessons of our Sosaria are taught by her humblest children. Seek Maul, the great bear, who understands instictively the seasons.
Darius: Seek Strongroot, the great treefellow, whose very roots reach to the heart of the world. Seek Enigma, whose wisdom can only be conveyed in riddles and rhymes. Seek Bravehorn, the great hart, who exemplifies the fierce dedication of a protector of his people.
Darius: Seek the Huntsman, the centuar tasked with maintaining the balance. And lastly seek Arielle, the pixie, who has perhaps the most important lesson -- not to take yourself too seriously.
Darius: Or do none of these things. You must choose your own path in the world, and what use you'll make of your existence.
NOTE: If he don't say anything, Double Left Click on him.
After Darius have talking, you now know what to accomplish to become a Elf!
You will have to get the Quest of the following NPC's:
- Arielle | Quest - The Joys of Life
- Bravehorn | Quest - Defending the Herd
- Enigma | Quest - Wisdom of the Sphynx
- Huntsman | Quest - The Balance of Nature
- Maul | Quest - Seasons
- Strongroot | Quest - Caretaker of the Land
NOTE: You can do those Quest in any order!
Arielle the Pixie
Go talk to Arielle the Pixie located in the Ilshenar Forest North of Spirituality Shrine.

When you find her, Double Left Click on her to open Quest Gump and take the Quest - The Joys of Life.
NOTE: Red Character cannot go into Ilshenar... You can find Arielle in Felucca at the "Shrine of Sacrifice"!
Quest - The Joys of Life
*giggle* So serious, so grim! *tickle* Enjoy life! Have fun! Laugh! Be merry! *giggle* Find three of my bauble ... *giggle* I hid them! *giggles hysterically* Hid them! La la la! Bring them quickly! They are magical and will hide themselves again if you are too slow.
Obtain 3 Arielle's Baubles.
The boon of Arielle.
What To Do:
Arielle request to have 3x A Bauble. Those A Bauble is located East of Arielle near the Flowstone (blue stones). You can use on your keyboard, Hold Ctrl + Shift to find item on the ground. Repeat it multiple time and move around.

When you have 3x A Baubles, Left Single Click on your Character -> Click Toggle Quest Item -> Target 3x A Bauble. (they will change color to orange)
Go back talk to Arielle, Double Left Click on Arielle the Pixie to deliver 3x A Bauble -> Click Continue in the Gump Quest - The Joys of Life to collect your reward.
Bravehorn the Great Heart
Go talk to Bravehorn the Great Heart located in the Woods South of the Hedge Maze.

When you find him, Double Left Click on him to open Quest Gump and take the Quest - Defending the Herd.
NOTE: If you don't see Bravehorn near his mates, you will have to wait some minutes, problably somebody else is escorting him to the drinking pool.
Quest - Defending the Herd
*snort* ... guard-mates ... guard-herd *hoof stomp* ... defend-with-hoof-and-horn ... thirsty-drink. *proud head-toss*
Escort Bravehorn's to drinking pool.
The boon of Bravehorn.
What To Do:
Bravehorn request is to escort him to drinking pool. The drinking pool is located North East of where you found Bravehorn in the wood.

When you have escort him to drinking pool, wait several seconds. You will receive your reward.
Enigma the Sphinx
Go talk to Enigma the Sphinx located in the Desert of Compassion South West of Compassion Shrine.

When you find him, Double Left Click on him to open Quest Gump and take the Quest - Wisdom of the Sphynx.
Quest - Wisdom of the Sphynx
I greet thee human and divine my boon thou seek. Convey hence the object of my riddle and I shall reward thee with thy desire.
Three lives have I.
Gentle enough to soothe the skim.
Light enough to caress the sky.
Hard enough to crack rocks
What am I?
The answer to the riddle.
The boon of Enigma.
What To Do:
Enigma request to find the answer of he's riddle. The answer is the Water! It's time you use A Pitcher of Water. If you didn't take them before starting the Quest - Elven Heritage, you can buy them from any NPC Barkeeper, Waiter or Innkeepers.
When you have A Pitcher of Water, Left Single Click on your Character -> Click Toggle Quest Item -> Target A Pitcher of Water. (they will change color to orange)
Go back talk to Enigma, Double Left Click on Enigma the Sphinx to deliver 1x A Pitcher of Water -> Click Continue in the Gump Quest - Wisdom of the Sphynx to collect your reward.
Huntsman the Centaur
Go talk to Huntsman the Centaur located in the Forest North East of Chaos Shrine.

When you find him, Double Left Click on him to open Quest Gump and take the Quest - The Balance of Nature.
Quest - The Balance of Nature
Ho, there human. Why do you seek out the Huntsman? The hunter serves the land by culling both predators and prey. The hunter maintains the essential balance of life and does not kill for sport or glory. If you seek my favor, human, then demonstrate you are capable of the duty. Cull the wolves nearby.
Slay 15 Timber Wolves in Huntsman's Forest.
The boon of the Huntsman.
What To Do:
Huntsman request to kill 15x Timber Wolves around him in the Forest.
When you have kill all the 15x Timber Wolves
Go back talk to Huntsman, Double Left Click on Huntsman the Centaur to collect your reward.
Maul the Bear
Go talk to Maul the Bear located in the Forest West of Wrong Dungeon or South West of Ice Dungeon.

When you find him, Double Left Click on him to open Quest Gump and take the Quest - Seasons.
Quest - Seasons
*rumbling growl* *sniff* ... not-smell ... seek-fight ... not-smell ... fear-stench ... *rumble* ... cold-soon-time comes ... hungry ... eat-fish ... sleep-soon-time ... *deep fang-filled yawn* ... much-fish.
Obtain 20 Raw Fish Steak.
The boon of Maul.
What To Do:
Maul request to have 20x Raw Fish Steak. It's time you use 20x Raw Fish Steak. If you didn't take them before starting the Quest - Elven Heritage, you can buy them from any NPC Fishers at any docks, or go Fishing and Cut with any blade your Fish into Raw Fish Steaks.
When you have 20x Raw Fish Steak, Left Single Click on your Character -> Click Toggle Quest Item -> Target 20x Raw Fish Steak. (they will change color to orange)
Go back talk to Maul, Double Left Click on Maul the Bear to deliver 20x Raw Fish Steak -> Click Continue in the Gump Quest - Seasons to collect your reward.
Strongroot the Treefellow
Go talk to Strongroot the Treefellow located in the Forest South of Shame Dungeon or South West of Blighted Grove Dungeon.

When you find him, Double Left Click on him to open Quest Gump and take the Quest - Caretaker of the Land.
Quest - Caretaker of the Land
Hrrrrr. Hurrrrr. Huuuman. *creaking branches* Suuun on baaark, rooooooots diiig deeeeeep, wiiind caaaresses leeaves +++ Hrrrrr. Saaap of Sooosaria feeeeeds us. Hrrrrr. Huuuman leeearn. Caaaretaker of plaaants +++ teeend +++ prooove.
Obtain 1 Sap of Sosaria.
The boon of Strongroot.
What To Do:
Strongroot request to have 1x Sap of Sosaria. The Sap of Sosaria is located East of Yew City or South of Yew Public Moongate. You can use on your keyboard, Hold Ctrl + Shift to find item on the ground. Repeat it multiple time and move around.

When you have 1x Sap of Sosaria, Left Single Click on your Character -> Click Toggle Quest Item -> Target 1x Sap of Sosaria. (they will change color to orange)
Go back talk to Strongroot, Double Left Click on Strongroot the Treefellow to deliver 1x Sap of Sosaria and collect your reward.
Finish the Quest Elven Heritage
When you have completed all the Quest offered by those NPC's:- Arielle | Quest - The Joys of Life
- Bravehorn | Quest - Defending the Herd
- Enigma | Quest - Wisdom of the Sphynx
- Huntsman | Quest - The Balance of Nature
- Maul | Quest - Seasons
- Strongroot | Quest - Caretaker of the Land
Go back talk to Darius the wise located in Moonglow city north in the Lycaeum.

When you find him, he doesn't have any Quest Gump when you Double Left Click on him, you just need to go near him and he will start talking to you by saying:
Darius: "Your Character Name"
Darius: You have carved a path in history, sought to understand the way from our sage companions.
Darius: And now you have returned full circle to the place of your origin within the arms of Mother Sosaria. There is but one thing left to do if you truly wish to embrace your elven heritage.
Darius: To be born once more an elf, you must strip of all worldly possessions. Nothing of man or beast much touch your skin.
Darius: Then you mat step forth into history.
NOTE: If he don't say anything, Double Left Click on him.
To finish the Quest Elven Heritage and change Race into an Elf, you must Remove/Undress and put them into your BackPack all your Cloth, Equipment, Jewels, Shield, Weapon and Dismount your mount if you ride one. When you undress your Character and Darius have done talking, you will receive a Confirmation Gump.

When you click on CANCEL, you will receive the message: You may try this again later...
When you click on OKAY, you will receive the Character Race Changer Gump.

You will now be able to choose your Elf Hair Style, Skin Tone and Hair Color.
When you have done your choose, Single Left Click on the Right Green Arrow!
Congratulation, your Character Race is now the Elf!! You no longer benefit of the Human Racial Abilities and now those from Elf!