Character Item Mods Swing Speed Increase

Swing Speed Increase is one of the Item Mods to a maximum of 30%. It allow to decrease the delay time between each Melee/Range Hits! The Swing Speed is determined with the Character Stamina, the Weapon Base Speed and the Swing Speed Increase! The minimum delay time is 1.25 seconds (5 Ticks)!

Swing Speed Formula

All start with the Weapon Base Speed:

ticks = WeaponSpeed * 4

After, each 30 point of Character Stamina give 1 Tick:

stamTicks = Stamina / 30

Then, the amount of Swing Speed Increase on the Character:

bonus = SwingSpeedIncrease

And finally, there's many bonus from different Spells/Skill/Weapon Abilities:
- Chivalry Divine Fury: bonus += 10
- Bushido Honorable Execution: bonus += 1 to 20
- Weapon Ability Dual Wield: bonus += 20 to 50
- Weapon Ability Feint: bonus -= 20 to 50
- Spellweaving Reaper Form: bonus += 10 + ArcaneFocus
- Discordance Effect: bonus -= 0 to 28
- Spellweaving Essence of Wind: bonus -= 2 to 14

If(bonus > 60)
bonus = 60

ticks = Math.Floor( ( ticks - stamTicks ) * ( 100.0 / ( 100 + bonus ) ) )

If(ticks < 5)
ticks = 5 //1.25 seconds

delayInSeconds = ticks * 0.25

Swing Speed Increase Availability

Swing Speed Increase can be find on:
- Armor (Few Artifact)
- Jewels (Crafted Turquoise Ring 5%)
- Weapon (Looted or Crafted 5 to 30%, Several Artifact, 2 Recipe Item, Ash Wood on Weapon give 10%)

Swing Speed Increase Maximum

The maximum amount of Swing Speed Increase is capped to 60%!

List of Item with Swing Speed Increase

- Arctic Death Dealer - 20
- Assassin Armor Set - 5
- Blade of Insanity - 30
- Blaze of Death - 25
- Blight Gripped Longbow - 20
- Brave Knight of The Britannia [Replica] - 30
- Calm [Replica] - 20
- Captain Quacklebushs Cutlass - 20
- Cavorting Club - 25
- Churchill's War Mace - 10
- Cold Blood - 40
- Cold Forged Blade - 25
- Daimyo's Helm - 10
- Darkened Sky - 25
- Dragon Nunchaku - 20
- Dread's Revenge - 50
- Exiler - 20
- Faerie Fire - 20
- Flesh Ripper - 40
- Frozen Longbow - -5
- Heartseeker - 10
- Jockles' Quicksword - 10
- Juggernaut Set - 35 (Full Set)
- Legacy of the Dread Lord - 30
- Luminous Rune Blade - 25
- Luna Lance - 20
- Marksman Set - 30 (Full Set)
- Melisande's Corroded Hatchet - 15
- Mischief Maker - 35
- Nights Kiss - 30
- Nox Rangers Heavy Crossbow - 30
- Overseer Sundered Blade - 35
- Pacify [Replica] - 20
- Peasant's Bokuto - 10
- Phantom Staff - 20
- Pilfered Dancer Fans - 20
- Pixie Swatter - 30
- Quell [Replica] - 20
- Raed's Glory - 20
- Ranger's Shortbow - 5
- Recaro's Riposte - 10
- Righteous Anger - 35
- Rune Carving Knife - 35
- Shard Thrasher - 35
- Silvani's Feywood Bow - 30
- Silver Serpent Blade - 10
- Soul Seeker - 60
- Subdue [Replica] - 20
- Talon Bite - 20
- The Berserker's Maul - 75
- The Dragon's Tail - 10
- The Dryad Bow - 50
- The Night Reaper - 25
- Wind's Edge - 50