Character Item Mods Mana Regeneration

Mana Regeneration is one of the Character Mods with a maximum to 18. It allow to regain a higher amount of Mana per Second on your Character! Each point of Mana Regeneration give 0.1 Mana per Second! It can also be found on Spell Effect! The Character Intelligence Stat and Meditation and Focus Skills is combined with Mana Regeneration to raise the amount of Mana per Second!

Mana Regeneration Availability

Mana Regeneration can be find on:
- Armor (Looted or Crafted 1 to 2 and Several Artifact)
- Cloth (Several Artifact)
- Jewels (Tinkering Dark Sapphire Bracelet to 2)
- Spellbook (Crafted 1 to 2)
- Weapon (Few Artifact)

Mana Regeneration Maximum

The maximum amount of Mana Regeneration is capped to 18!

Spell Effect

Necromancy Spell Lich Form give +13 Mana Regeneration!
Necromancy Spell Vampiric Embrace give +3 Mana Regeneration!

Note: The Lich Form and Vampiric Embrace Bonus cannot exceed the cap of 18!

Mana Regeneration Formula

double medPoints = Intelligence + (Meditation * 3)
medPoints *= (Meditation < 100) ? 0.025 : 0.0275

double focusPoints = (Focus * 0.05)

if(armorPenalty > 0)
medPoints = 0 //In AOS, wearing any meditation-blocking armor completely removes meditation bonus

double totalPoints = focusPoints + medPoints + (Meditating ? (medPoints > 13 ? 13 : medPoints) : 0.0)

if( (from is BaseCreature && ((BaseCreature)from).IsParagon) || from is Leviathan )
totalPoints += 40

int cappedPoints = ManaRegeneration

cappedPoints += 3
else if(LichFormSpell)
cappedPoints += 13

if(Core.ML && from is PlayerMobile)
cappedPoints = Math.Min(cappedPoints, 18)

totalPoints += cappedPoints;

if(totalPoints < -1)
totalPoints = -1

totalPoints = Math.Floor(totalPoints)

rate = 1.0 / (0.1 * (2 + totalPoints))

List of Item with Mana Regeneration

- Anthropomorphist Reading Glasses - 3
- Boomstick - 3
- Bulwark Leggings - 1
- Brightsight Lenses - 3
- Clainin's Spellbook - Museum of Vesper Replica - 3
- Clasp of Concentration - 1
- Crown of Tal'Keesh [Replica] - 4
- Crystalline Ring - 3
- Divine Countenance - 2
- Dark Sapphire Bracelet - 2
- Hat of the Magi - 4
- Helm of Insight - 2
- Lieutenant of the Britannian Royal Guard [Replica] - 2
- Mage Armor Set - 1
- Minax's Armor - Museum of Vesper Replica - 2
- Necromancer Armor Set - 1
- Ossian Grimoire - 1
- Pendant of the Magi - 3
- Philosopher's Hat - 1
- Rune Beetle Carapace - 3
- The Horselord - 1
- Wizard's Crystal Reading Glasses - 3