Character Item Mods Hit Fire Area

Hit Fire Area is one of the Weapon Mods with a maximum to 50%. It do Area Fire Damage to any available opponents within 4 tiles around the original target! The more damage you do to the original target, the more damage the area attack will do! The Character Mods: Damage Increase, Slayer on Weapon, Honor/Perfection, Anatomy and Tactics Skills raise the original Damage (anything that raise Damage) help to increase the Hit Area Damage! The Damage is Scaled with the distance between the original target and any next opponent withing 4 tiles! Available on Melee and Range Weapons!

Hit Fire Area Availability

Hit Fire Area can be find on:
- Weapon (Looted or Crafted 2 to 50%, 1 Artifact)

Hit Fire Area Maximum

The maximum amount of Hit Fire Area is capped to 50!

Distance Damage Scalar

scalar = (11 - from.GetDistanceToSqrt( m )) / 10
if(scalar > 1.0)
scalar = 1.0
else if(scalar < 0.0)

1 Tile = Scalar 1
2 Tiles = Scalar 0.9
3 Tiles = Scalar 0.8
4 Tiles = Scalar 0.7

List of Item with Hit Fire Area

- Blaze of Death - 50