Magery Spell Poison Field

Poison Field

In Nox Grav
Fifth Circle

38 Magery
Conjures a wall of poisonous vapor that poisons anything that walks through it. The strength of the Poison is based off of the Caster's Magery and Poison skills.


When casting and target any location, it will create for at least 3 seconds a Poison Field 5x1 on the Targeted Location! Inflict Poison Effect each seconds if any mobile stand on a Poison Field! The Poison Level increase with Magery and Poisoning Skills! Location must be empty and visible! 10 Tiles Range! Doesn't Block Vision! Damage is Reduce by Poison Elemental Resistance! Cannot be Cast in Town!

Minimum Requirements for Casting

Note: Circle #5 need 38 Magery!

Mana Cost

Lower Mana Cost0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%40%
Mana Cost1413.299912.611.911.200010.59.79999.18.4
Note: Circle #5 need 14 Mana! Mana Cost is not a decimal number, ex: 3.8 = 3, 3.2 = 3!

Casting Delay

Faster Casting-6-5-4-3-2-1012
Casting Second(s)32.752.502.2521.751.501.251
Note: Under Magery Protection Spell Effect -2 Faster Casting, Under Spellweaving Essence of Wind Spell Effect -6 Faster Casting!


Black PearlNightshadeSpider's Silk
Note: The Character Mods Lower Reagent Cost can remove the Reagent Consumption!


Total = (Magery * 10) + (Poisoning * 10) / 2
IF Total >= 1000
Level = 3
ELSE IF Total > 850
Level = 2
ELSE IF Total > 650
Level = 1
Level = 0

Duration = 3 + ((Magery * 10) / 25)
Duration Min/Max = 18.2/51 Seconds